Our bodies are like diagnostic maps, an external mirror of what is happening inside the body, physically, mentally and emotionally. Careful observation of the tongue, pulse, complexion and other physical symptoms allows the practitioner to form a treatment plan specific to the individual. Acupuncture is an energetic medicine and treatment is so much more than the insertion of the needles into the points. Additional healing tools can include Moxabustion, abdominal palpation and massage and lifestyle advice.
The mind clearing effect of an acupuncture session can greatly assist yoga practice, helping to shift away stagnant thoughts and emotional patterns. Whatever the treatment plan involves, the main focus is to empower the individual to achieve a healthy balance in their life. Int J Womens Health. 2014; 6: 313–325. Published online 2014 Mar 17. doi: 10.2147/IJWH.S38969 PMCID: PMC3962314. Acupuncture and women’s health: an overview of the role of acupuncture and its clinical management in women’s reproductive health
Acupuncture and other modalities of Chinese/East Asian medicine have been used to treat women’s health for many centuries. Gynecology specialties focus particularly on menstrual and reproductive disorders. Both the adoption of the use of acupuncture outside Asia, and the incorporation of scientific analysis in Asia have challenged biomedical conceptions of what can be achieved with this treatment method. The scale of research activity in relation to acupuncture and women’s health has increased over the last 20 years.
There is preliminary data indicating acupuncture may improve menstrual health and coping for women experiencing delays falling pregnant. There is experimental data showing that acupuncture can influence female reproductive functioning, although the actual mechanisms involved are not yet clarified. Further well-conducted clinical research would benefit our understanding of the usefulness of acupuncture to women’s health.
Emotional support is a major factor during any fertility journey and the relaxation benefits of acupuncture are great. The postnatal period after pregnancy in particular is considered to be a very important time to nourish a new mother. Treatment at this time would involve the use of points aimed at relaxation, aiding sleep and boosting energy levels as well as points which balance the reproductive area.