Scalp Acupuncture is one of the modern micro-system acupuncture techniques which combine Chinese acupuncture brain theory and needling methods with western medical knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology, neurology and particularly the elementary functional neuroanatomy about representative areas of the cerebral cortex. During the treatment, the needles are inserted into the specific stimulating areas on the scalp that correspond to areas of the brain that control central nervous system functions, motor activity, sensory input, vision, speech, hearing, and balance.
Scalp acupuncture is mainly used to treat brain related conditions, including neurological disorders, psychological and psychosomatic conditions, such as wind stroke, depression, Parkinson's disease, Multiple sclerosis, dementia, pain, chronic muscle spasm, etc. Scalp Acupuncture is remarkable for its fast effects. Many patients have noticed immediate improvements after the first treatment.