Online Courses, Handbook, SA needle

Online Courses


Electric Acupuncture (online)

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Product Details

5 hours with 3 FB links


The one-day online seminar of electric acupuncture introduced the origin and development of EA, the selection of EA devices and its parameter; the function and indication of different parameters, the clinical application, EA combined with scalp acupuncture, and the caution of EA, etc.

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Electric Acupuncture (online)
Please Note: Above recorded courses can be watched at any time in one month. After payment is received the links will be sent to you, and onl y for yourself to watch.

Payment detail:

Account Name: Mr T Wang |   Bank: HSBC |  Sort code: 40-06-30 | Bank account: 42106914

Payment Reference: Your name + course name

The online links will be sent to you after payment is received.
If you have any further questions, please contact Prof. Wang on:
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