Online Courses, Handbook, SA needle

Online Courses


Basic Scalp Acupuncture (online)

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Product Details

1.5 Hrs X 7 Session


The online course introduced the basic knowledge of Chinese scalp acupuncture, the location of commonly used stimulation areas, indications, needling, and sample case treatments.

Session 1: Basic theory of neurological knowledge and Chinese medicine Brain theory;
Session 2: Location of commonly used SA stimulation areas. (Part 1);
Session 3: Location of commonly used SA stimulation areas. (Part 2);
Session 4: scalp acupuncture needling technique;
Session 5: Sample case treatment 1 (Neurological diseases);
Session 6: Sample case treatment 2 (Psychological disorders);
Session 7: Sample case treatment 3 (Other brain related diseases)

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Basic Scalp Acupuncture (online)
Please Note: Above recorded courses can be watched at any time in one month. After payment is received the links will be sent to you, and onl y for yourself to watch.

Payment detail:

Account Name: Mr T Wang |   Bank: HSBC |  Sort code: 40-06-30 | Bank account: 42106914

Payment Reference: Your name + course name

The online links will be sent to you after payment is received.
If you have any further questions, please contact Prof. Wang on:
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