Call us today to speak to Prof. Dr. Tianjun Wang: 07515 695 369
5 Links (6 Hours)
This one-day Abdominal Acupuncture (AA) workshop introduced the Characteristics and advantage of AA, Location and selection of AA points, Principle and prescriptions of AA treatment, Needle techniques and AA for common conditions. With real participants practice of location and needling.
Payment detail:
Account Name: Mr T Wang | Bank: HSBC | Sort code: 40-06-30 | Bank account: 42106914
Payment Reference: Your name + course name
WeChat(微信): drtjwang
Normal Opening hours:
Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00-13:00, 15:00-17:30
Saturdays: 9:00-13:00
Appointment ONLY
TJ Acupuncture Mobile clinic
22 Harley St, London W1G 9JH
Clinic hours: Wednesdays 2pm-5pm
*Appointment only (Price differ)